In the screenies above I’m using all default settings for the texture, so there is minimal tone. It’s not body-builder toned, but it shows that the woman can hold her own in a fight! There are also other options, such as more muscles, different skin resolution, a no freckles version, and some experimental skins. The detail is fantastic and I like the lighter muscle definition option (see the end of the post). This has to be my second favorite skin, although I don’t totally like the red hue the skin has. The author has also said she (I think it’s a she) is going to give even more options. I don’t use those last two options, but they’re popular.

You can have sparkley eyes (which I use), a wet body, or a sweaty body. The other great thing with this skin, besides the fact it’s still being worked on, is that there are some options with customization. I can make any shade I want and there won’t be a red overlay. Despite the low resolution, the texture still looks awesome! To me it doesn’t lose any detail and I doubt anyone would know it was only 1k. I use the lowely 1k version called Niflheim because I have so many other graphical overhauls. This skin is a mashup of Real Girls and Mature Skin with Fitness Body‘s normal maps. In my example I’m using a softer sculpt so she looks younger. That’s a big range, but the 40 and 50 year old complexions from PoV in RaceMenu do a good job of adding wrinkles without them looking like painted-on lines. In terms of the age the skin appears to be on a character with all of the base files, I would say it’s in the 20-40 range, depending on sculpt. You can also see the pores and with the original normal maps there is some great muscular detail. I love the detail with the scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, and moles.